Friday, April 24, 2009

The Neutrino Puzzle

Bahcall and Davis were just the type of people who would spend all their time underground, trying to collect four atoms a week.

They believed that the sun should be emitting a huge number of neutrinos all the time. They were very interested in the nuclear physics, because they said that was the interesting point. They did all their work with ease and simplicity and with elegance and beauty. Bahcall was always enthusiastic and full of calculations. He was excited to get new calculations on the sun and pick up new data.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It all starts with the stellar nursery. Gravity is the first recognizable characteristic of the star-to-be. As gravity pulls the atoms around a central clump, there are collisions between the hydrogen atoms. This collision creates another essential force, pressure. After the clump becomes bigger and bigger, it starts to create a proto-star. The proto-stars’ gravity pulls dust and gas to the core. The temperature increases due to collisions between the hydrogen atoms. As this happens, the density increases, as does the gas pressure. The gas pressure resists the collapse of the nebula. When the gas pressure equals the force of gravity, creating an equilibrium, the accretions stops.

This star turned out to be a Sun-like star. If it wasn’t murdered it would have gone from a stellar nursery to a proto star, then from a proto star to a solar type star, then from the solar type star to a red giant, then from a red giant to a planetary nebula to a white dwarf, than from a white dwarf to a type 1a SNR.

Unfortunately this will not happen for this star. The equilibrium between gravity and pressure had become unbalanced. The pressure overtakes the gravity due to the complexity of the fusions taking place in the suns. After all the hydrogen’s fuse into helium, the helium must turn into beryllium. The fusions become too complex for the sun so the pressure of the sun murders the gravity. The unbalance causes the sun to explode causing another stellar nursery. This will repeat the cycle causing new suns to be born.

Black Holes

Black holes are places where ordinary gravity gets so extreme that not even a beam of light can excape it. They are produce by massive stars as a natural part of the stellar evolutonary process. It can be produced by a dying star which is 20 times the mass of the sun

A person falling into a black hole would be pulled apart by intense tidal forces. The intense gravitational pull would be much stronger on someones feet in a black hole then their head. They would then be crushed into infinite density and sucked into the black hole.

There are three types of black holes: stellar, supermassive, and miniature.

A black hole is invisable because it is so compact that no light can escape. Only stars with a mass much larger than the sun have the ability to become a black hole.

My Passion

What's your passion? What do you dream about doing in your future?

My passion is for helping people. In my future I want to make a difference in the world. Whether it is one person or a group of people, I want to help people.

Whatever career I choose to go in, I know I will help people in some way. I will help volunteer with my children in school, and be active in my church. The only way our world will change, is if we all put in a helping hand and work together to help others in need.

Monday, April 13, 2009

a.) A sunspot is a region on the sun's surface that is marked by intense magnetic activity, which inhibits convection, forming areas of reduced surface temperatures.

b.) The climate has an effect on the sunspot and changes them.

c.) It shows the latitiude of sunspot occurance versus time (in years).

d.) The number of sunspots reaches a maximum about every 11 years, but successive maxima have spots with reversed magnetic polarity. Thus the whole cycle is 22 years long.

e.) When there are significant sunspots, it makes the Earth colder.

f.) The next solar maximum is expected between 2011 -2012.

g.) Sunspots are observed with a land based telescope as well as ones on earth orbiting satellites.

h.) Dearborn Telescope

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Near earth Astroids and the End of the World

--->Potentially Hazardous Asteroids are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. The closest Earth-asteroid encounter was in 2009 when it was 8.8 LD and was approximately 44 m.

1.) Mayan Calander. In 2012 the Mayan calander is coming to an end and if that is coming to an end, then so is our world. (Pseudoscience)

2.) Pole Drifting. In the next 50,000 years the magnetic poles are going to flip and in turn degrade the earth. (Pseudosceince)

3.) The Magnetic pole are moving rapidly, causing the loss of northern lights and postition of the North and South Poles. (Science)

1.) The nothern lights will be lost

2.) The Mayan Religion

3.) Lord Krishna disincarnated on this date

Monday, April 6, 2009



1.) Jupiter is by far the largest planet

2.) Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun

3.) Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the sky

4.) Jupiter was the King of the Gods and the ruler of Olympus

5.) Jupiter is about 10% helium and 90% hydrogen with traces of methane, water, ammonia and rock.